Dominion Raceway’s Oval Track measures 4/10ths of a mile and includes uniform banking. The track is designed to enable excellent side-by-side racing at all locations and will give its competitors “equal” opportunity in both low and high grooves.
Dominion Raceway is proud to be part of NASCAR Advanced Auto Parts Series and specifically, it's Advanced Auto Parts Series sanction. This weekly racing program developed by NASCAR has been in existence for many many years and is by all standards the premier weekly racing series in the nation.
NASCAR Advanced Auto Parts Series tracks function as a great entry point for young drivers hoping to develop their talent into national Touring Series divisions
Lots of great drivers have honed their skills in the NASCAR Advanced Auto Parts Series right here: Denny Hamlin, Greg Biffle, Carl Edwards, Travis Kvapel to name a very very few. This series is also a favorite for the Sportsman or hobbyist racers.
WHAT ARE YOUR POLICIES?In the interest of creating the safest and most comfortable environment for fans to enjoy the event experience, Dominion Raceway & Entertainment provides the following policy guidelines: Food and beverage – Tailgating in designated parking areas is permitted. Fans are not allowed to bring food and beverage into the Dominion Raceway event areas at any time. Full food and beverage service is available on-site during all schedule events. Handicapped parking – Available for cars with recognized permits properly displayed on a space available basis. See facility layout for locations. Weapons/Firearms – No weapons of any type, including firearms, knives, etc. are allowed at Dominion Raceway, regardless of permit. Canopies – Allowed only in approved areas. Fireworks – No fireworks of any kind are permitted. Re-entry after exit – Reentry allowed on a per event basis. Restricted area access – Must have proper credential or armband to access restricted areas, including racetrack, pit area and any marked areas. Tower access – Only those with Tower Access credentials are permitted. Speed limits – Speed limit on Dominion Raceway grounds is 15 mph on all access roads, pit roads, etc. unless otherwise posted. Grandstands – Fans are asked to be considerate of other guests by keeping aisles and walkways passable and sightlines clear. Refunds – On most events, if canceled prior to feature race, keep wristband for later use. Check web site listing for event for specific details. Must use rainout wristband with 30 days of rain out event. Cameras/Photography – Handheld cameras and personal use video cameras are permitted. No commercial reproduction of video footage is allowed without written permission of the raceway and applicable sanctioning body officials. Smoking – No smoking permitted in grandstands, suites, restrooms, terrace, tower or other building areas. Smoking is allowed in open concourse areas that are not posted as non-smoking areas. Disposal of waste fluids – Waste fluids, including engine oil, fuel and other hazardous fluids must be disposed of in marked waste containers. Right of way – Towed race vehicles and trailers have the right of way on all raceway access roads. Children – Children are always welcome at Dominion Raceway. It is the responsibility of the parents to see that the children are safe and cared for. Children 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Fences – No climbing on or hanging of unapproved signs on raceway fences.
WHAT'S YOUR POLICY ON ALCOHOLAlcohol –Fans are not allowed to bring alcohol, narcotics, stimulants or depressants into the Dominion Raceway event areas at any time. Alcoholic beverage are available at on-site concessions areas during all schedule events. Drivers and crew may not use alcohol, narcotics, stimulants or depressants while racing. Alcohol, narcotics, stimulants or depressants are not allowed in restricted areas during event. “The possession, consumption or sale of illegal drugs or alcohol is expressly forbidden on the grounds of Dominion Raceway. If you are tailgating at an event here you may bring in legal alcohol as well as food for your use but you may not sell it or bring it in the building or pit areas. You agree that you are responsible for distribution of such items including fitness or use and agree to indemnify Dominion Raceway and its affiliates against any claim related there to.”
ARE PETS ALLOWED?Pets – Bringing of pets to the facility is discouraged. All pets must be leashed and under strict control by their owners at all times. Pet owner must accept full responsibility for any pets brought to the facility. Dominion Raceway reserves the right in its sole discretion to deny access to any pet at any time. No pets shall be brought into any building and/or grandstand areas except for service animals assisting the disabled – no exceptions. Pet owners must clean up after their pets.
ARE DRONES ALLOWED?Drones – Dominion Raceway & Entertainment strictly prohibits the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (“UAV”), also known as drones, for any purpose whatsoever unless authorized in writing from the Safety Director of Dominion Raceway & Entertainment. A UAV, means any aircraft without a human pilot aboard. Dominion Raceway personnel may remove anyone using an UAV at the Dominion Raceway facility and confiscate the UAV until the conclusion of the event.
CAN I BRING A COOLER?Coolers – Tailgating in designated parking areas is permitted. Fans are not allowed to bring coolers in to the Dominion Raceway event areas at any time. Full food and beverage service is available on-site during all schedule events.
ARE BACKPACKS ALLOWED?Backpacks – Fans may carry (1) One lightweight backpack no more than 17-inches in length to carry personal items such as binoculars, scanners, headsets, cameras and purchased souvenirs.
WHAT IS YOUR POLICY ON PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO RIGHTS?Photography/Video Rights – Please Note: You agree that while on Dominion Raceway property, we may use your image or likeness in any photography and/or video that we capture while you are visiting our facility, and or those specifically authorized by us to conduct photography at the facility. You agree that your image or likeness may be reproduced by us in any advertising, website, promotional piece or video that we create whether for use at the facility or for use in any advertising, broadcasting or media outlets we choose. You agree that our captured image of you is freely given while at our facility and that you will not attempt to restrict our use of your likeness/image or seek compensation for same.
CAN I BRING IN MY OWN FOOD & DRINK?Food and beverage – Tailgating in designated parking areas is permitted. Fans are not allowed to bring food and beverage into the Dominion Raceway event areas at any time. Full food and beverage service is available on-site during all schedule events.
WHAT ARE YOUR PROHIBITED ITEMS?Prohibited Items To ensure that all fans have a safe and enjoyable visit to Dominion Raceway & Entertainment, the following items will not be permitted inside the gates: Glass containers Beach balls and helium balloons Illegal drugs Roller blades, skateboards, and hoverboards Scaffolds or platforms Prohibited items may not be left at the gate area. Any unattended items left in the gate area will be disposed of by Dominion Raceway within 24 hours of the event conclusion.
WHAT ARE YOUR PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES?Prohibited Activities Please note that the following activities are not permitted on Dominion raceway grounds: Solicitation for donations Selling or buying tickets Unapproved selling of merchandise or services Unapproved distribution of any item Unapproved entertaining Dominion Raceway & Entertainment is a private facility and admission is permitted only with Dominion Raceway’s consent. General public access is restricted at all times. Dominion Raceway reserves the right to ask any person(s) that cannot honor these policies to please excuse themselves from Dominion Raceway property. Dominion Raceway policies are subject to change without notice.
How old is your road course?Our road course is 2.0 miles long with 12 turns and a 2700+ foot front straightaway. The pavement is at least 36 feet wide with curbs in key locations. It is a natural terrain circuit with over 70 feet of elevation change and many camber changes. As for how quick it is, anything under 1min 30sec is considered “a fast lap” and a well driven stock Corvette can do 140+ mph on our front straight.
When is your road course open?Our road course is 2.0 miles long with 12 turns and a 2700+ foot front straightaway. The pavement is at least 36 feet wide with curbs in key locations. It is a natural terrain circuit with over 70 feet of elevation change and many camber changes. As for how quick it is, anything under 1min 30sec is considered “a fast lap” and a well-driven stock Corvette can do 140+ mph on our front straight. Click here for an in-car video
Do I need a racecar to drive on your road course?No you definitely do not need a racecar to drive on our road course, in fact, the majority of participants are in stock(ish) streetcars or track prepared cars that are often still street legal. You can even bring any street-legal car, truck, or SUV (but no lifted trucks or big 4x4s, please) for our TRACK ATTACKS People often ask what they need to drive fast here and the answer is almost always “a person age 18+ with a drivers license, an entry fee, and a streetcar that passes our " TECH INSPECTION ” .
What kind of streetcar do I need to drive on your road course?The specific car you bring isn’t that important because it’s just a tool for the job of driving fast – much like how you don’t need a fancy set of clubs to play golf well, or an expensive camera to take great pictures. That said, we see every type of enthusiast car you can possibly imagine here. Most common are Corvettes, Mustangs, Camaros, BMWs, Porsches, Miatas, etc. We have Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens, Aston Martins, and other exotics on track here regularly. We also see daily driver Kias, airport rentals, you name it – we even see stock trucks and SUVs for our TRACK ATTACKS. For high-speed events as long as the car passes TECH INSPECTION it can probably be enjoyed at speed here!
What are the tech inspection rules for streetcars?Tech inspection is a check to make sure each car is prepared for road course driving, and specific tech rules depend on group/event. We strongly encourage participants to “pre-tech” their cars before each event or have a shop or trusted professional do it. Almost any street-legal car, truck, or SUV (but no lifted trucks or big 4x4s) is fine for TRACK ATTACKS. For all in-house high-speed events (Track Attack ELITE, TrackCross, HPDRE, Open Practice Days, Drivers Club Days, etc) or any rental event, we provide the insurance for, cars are required and the rules can be found at this LINK below. Print that form, pre-tech the car if you know exactly what to look for or have that done by a qualified shop or person, fill out the form, and bring it – we will then re-check the car and collect the form that morning but sorry there are no refunds or credits for cars that fail tech. For all other events please check with the organizers before registering.
Can I drive my convertible on your road course?Convertible rules also depend on car and group/event. Stock convertibles are fine for TRACK ATTACKS. For all in-house high-speed events (Track Attack ELITE, TrackCross, HPDRE, Open Practice Days, Drivers Club Days, etc) or any rental event, we provide the insurance for, the convertible rollbar rules can be found below note the rule about THE BROOMSTICK TEST. For all other events please check with the organizers before registering. NOTE: Cars with t-tops or Targa tops that are removable from an otherwise fixed/structural roof are NOT considered convertibles.
Do you have trackable cars available for rent on-site?Sorry, for insurance and liability reasons we are not able to provide any vehicles for on-track driving at this time. However, our friends from XTREME XPERIENCE regularly bring truckloads of exotic/performance cars for the public to drive at speed on our road course with an instructor riding shotgun, CLICK HERE TO GET SIGNED UP!
What are your helmet requirements?Helmet rules depend on group/event as well. Helmets are not required for TRACK ATTACKS. For all in-house high-speed events (Track Attack ELITE, TrackCross, HPDRE, Open Practice Days, Drivers Club Days, etc) or any rental event, we provide the insurance for, helmets must be in good condition and have a 2010 or newer Snell SA or M rating with the correct Snell approval sticker under the liner. We only recommend full-face helmets with the latest Snell SA2015 or soon to be SA2020 rating. Sorry, we are no longer able to provide rental or loaner helmets for these events, but helmets for rent or purchase are available from our friends at OG RACING near Dulles. DOT-only helmets (with no Snell sticker under the liner) are no longer allowed. For all other events please check with the organizers about their own helmet requirements and availability.
When can my child drive on your road course?Your child may drive on our road course when they’re legally an adult. Drivers and passengers must be age 18+ with a current US-state-issued drivers license to drive/participate or be a passenger for all in-house events including Track Attacks, TrackCross, HPDRE, Open Practice Days, or any rental event we provide the insurance for. With all other events please check with the organizers directly.
What are your rules about passengers?Passenger rules depend on the group/event also. For Track Attacks, one adult (18+) passenger is fine. For Track Attack ELITEs and TrackCrosses, passengers are not allowed (unless they are approved, instructors.) For HPDRE, Open Practice Days, or any rental event we provide the insurance for passengers are only allowed in Black (advanced) & Red (expert/instructor) non-racer groups and must be 18+ with the same safety equipment & attire as the driver. For all other events please check with the organizers directly.
I’m new to all this, what should I sign up for?"A: We strongly recommend climbing our ‘ladder of speed’ in this order: 1) Track Attack (at least once or twice), 2) TrackCross (do several of these), 3) High-Performance DR Education (you’d be Green group w/instructor.) Click here for the schedule of coming events, click here to get registered, and come have fun!
How do I sign myself up for events on your track?Road course driving events are like concerts or sports games – online pre-registration/pre-payment is typically required and many events sell out well in advance. For all in-house road course events including Track Attack, Track Attack ELITE, TrackCross, High-Performance DR Education, Open Practice Days, and Member Driving Days: we use an outside system called Motorsportreg, please click here to see all our events you can register for on MSR. For all other events please check with the organizers.
How much does it cost to come to spectate?Most road course events are not really considered “spectator events” for insurance, liability, and security reasons. You also can’t get too near the action unless you’re a driver/participant and don’t have much way to know what’s going on unless you’re directly a part of the activity, so please register to drive starting with our Track Attack program instead of just coming to watch! That said, crew and guests of registered drivers are usually fine as long as they sign the waiver on the way in, and this may not cost anything extra, but please inquire with the organizers to be sure.
What do you mean by “ladder of speed?”Dominion Raceway’s road course ‘ladder of speed‘ simply refers to the progression of in-house events we offer in terms of miles-per-hour achieved, amount of track time offered, cost, preparation, experience required, the possible strain on the vehicle, and amount of knowledge gained/skill improved/high-performance driving experience procured. We start with Track Attack and Track Attack ELITE, then TrackCross, then High-Performance DR Education, then Open Practice Days. Click here for the schedule of coming events and sign up for whichever step on the ladder is most appropriate!
What is a Track Attack?Track Attack is our introductory program held twice a month year-round for just about any street licensed driver (age 18+) in just about any street-legal car, truck, or SUV. It includes classroom instruction with a professional driving coach and multiple 20-30 minute on-track sessions in your car. Sessions feature paced laps for those who just want to experience what it’s like on a real road course with no helmets and no passing. Between driving sessions, the instructor will critique your performance and offer driving tips. You will notice with each session that your confidence, speed, and fun will increase. No risk, just fun! As a beginner track driver, this is what everyone should start with, click here for Track Attack details & registration.
What is Track Attack ELITE?Track Attack ELITE is the next step for experienced Track Attack participants, designed to continue familiarizing you with our road course and basic high performance driving concepts. It includes classroom instruction with a professional driving coach and several 20-30 minute on-track sessions in your car. Sessions may include higher speed paced laps, “ring taxi” rides with instructors, and/or open sessions with direct instruction. Click here for Track Attack ELITE details & registration.
What is a TrackCross?TrackCross is a fast autocross on a twisty section of the track (turns 1-2 thru 8-9) with no cones and no work assignments – rain or shine. It is perfect for those who enjoyed our Track Attack and want to try the next step: wide open track as fast as they can safely drive it against the clock in short bursts. Registration is limited so everyone gets plenty of runs. This is the cheapest & easiest way to run for times! Click here for TrackCross details & registration and click here for the TrackCross-specific FAQ page.
What is HPDRE?HPDRE stands for High-Performance Dominion Raceway Education and is our in-house traditional track day program. It is all about the high-speed driving of street, track, or race prepared cars. We run four groups determined by driver experience and each group gets four 30min track sessions per day. Classroom and in-car instruction is provided for all beginner/novice drivers. Not only will you learn to master the complexities of our track, but you will also gain valuable driving techniques and build skills that can only make you a safer driver on the street!
What do the HPDRE run group colors mean?For our in-house HPDREs and most similar events here, the run groups are broken down as follows: GREEN- beginner to novice drivers; instructor & classroom provided; restricted passing with a point-by. Minimum experience 0 to 5 HPDE days. BLUE- novice to intermediate drivers; check ride or solo; restricted passing with a point-by. Minimum experience est 5 to 10 HPDE days. BLACK- intermediate to advanced drivers; check ride or solo; passing anywhere with a point-by. Minimum experience est 10 to 20+ HPDE days. RED- advanced/expert drivers, licensed racers, and instructors; check ride or solo; full open passing. Minimum experience est 25+ HPDE days. Our “minimum experience” counts will only include formal HPDE here at Dominion and similar track days at similar permanent high-speed road course facilities with instructors and sessions broken down by experience level with dozens of cars on track at a time. We also only count the number of HPDE days experienced by each driver in the last few years. Related but not directly equivalent driving activities (karting, rally, autocross, TrackCross, Track Attack, crapcan racing, etc) typically do not count toward these required minimums. This is to make sure everyone is in the run group that is safest, most comfortable, and the most fun for them and others!
What are RCOPs?RCOP stands for Road Course Open Practice Day and is our most informal high-speed track time offering. Expect two groups alternating 30min sessions on track all day: one for licensed racers in racecars and the other for advanced/instructor level drivers in street/track/racecars. There is no classroom and no instructors or instruction, just open track time – and lots of it!
What is the Drivers Club?The Drivers Club at DR is a membership club for motoring enthusiasts who like to utilize their sports cars and race cars for what they were made to do — go fast! Members have exclusive access to 40 or more member-only track days a year. Please click here for much more info about the Drivers Club at DR and click here to see all the Member Driving Days on the schedule.
How do I become an instructor?To become a road course instructor at DR you would need to complete one of our instructor clinics, get a check ride, and provisionally instruct at several HPDREs. The minimum driving experience to enter a clinic is typically 30+ days of formal HPDE including 8-10 days at the advanced/solo/passing-anywhere level. Driving days with equivalent HPDE programs do count toward the minimum. Other driving activities (autocross, oval racing, crapcan racing, etc) are good for seat time but do not count as much – to teach HPDE at DR you first need to be intimately familiar with HPDE and DR! Certified/experienced instructors from similar programs are encouraged to apply and may be able to skip our training. Either way please send your driving resume in as much detail as possible to WILL BRITT. Once fully approved, our instructors receive free track time and may qualify for paid gigs.
What if I damage the track?You are liable. Dominion Raceway and entertainment may bill you for damages.
Do you sell gas at the track?Yes, we have pumps available in the north paddock 24/7 with a card. In season we have Sunoco 93 non-ethanol, 98 unleaded, and/or 100 octane leaded. We may also have 110 octane. Please call the front desk 703-361-RACE to see what’s in stock for a particular event and what the current prices are. There is also a Shell station literally across the street from our entrance.
Do you have paddock power for RVs and trailers?Yes, we have a limited number of power boxes in the north paddock against the wall overlooking turn 6. Please call the front desk 703-361-RACE to reserve power for a particular event.
Is camping allowed?Camping is technically not allowed because we are not a campground. Sleeping in your RV or trailer in the paddock(s) may be allowed for multi-day happenings, it depends on the group/event. Staying on-premises is typically NOT allowed on the nights before or after our in-house events (Track Attacks, Track Attack ELITEs, TrackCross, HPDRE, Open Practice Days, Drivers Club Days, etc) or any other single-day events, gates typically open by 7am for those. For multi-day/club events please check with the organizers directly. For any overnight guests please assume the main building/restrooms/showers will be closed from 11pm-7am or similar.
Are car/trailer drops allowed the night before an event?Because the paddocks are often in use with other events, trailer or car dropoffs are typically NOT allowed the night before our in-house events (Track Attacks, Track Attack ELITEs, TrackCross, HPDRE, Open Practice Days, Drivers Club Days, etc) or any other single-day events, gates typically open by 7am for those. For multi-day/club events please check with the organizers directly.
Do you have restrooms?Yes – there are restrooms at both ends of the main building on all three floors and restrooms on the south side of the building in the infield of the oval track. For overnight guests – restrooms are typically not available between 11pm and 7am or similar because the buildings are locked overnight, but we usually have porta-johns in the north paddock.
Do you have showers?Yes – new in 2017 we have showers available in the main lobby restrooms near the front desk (first floor, south end of the building.) For overnight guests – showers are typically not available between 11pm and 7am or similar because the building is locked overnight.
How do I get media credentials for an event?Media credentials are ONLY issued to accredited media that can provide letters of assignment, examples of previously published work, and at least two industry references (we prefer references to be from other major circuits and/or sanctioning organizations.) Please click here to apply. Note: no media is ever allowed on or near the hot track or on the hot side of the wall.
Can I rent the road course?Yes – we offer public and private rentals by the day or weekend to nearly any specification, please click here for more info. We usually don’t rent to the public for safety reasons unless all drivers have recognized competition licenses and/or extensive road course driving experience & training. As a normal beginner, novice, intermediate, or advanced track driver in a streetcar you should sign up for any number of existing events instead, starting with our Track Attack program – click here for the schedule. We do offer private high-speed instructed track days for groups, please contact Jon Felton for more info.
What is your bad weather policy?For all in-house road course events including Track Attack, Track Attack ELITE, TrackCross, High-Performance DR Education, and Open Practice Days as well as most if not all rental events here: all events will take place as scheduled “rain or shine, hot or cold.” We would only postpone an event for frozen weather or a significant system like a hurricane, and your entry would automatically apply to the rescheduled date while still being subject to the normal cancellation policy. Note: during any event day we do pause for thunderstorms (to get corner workers out of possible lightning strike areas) and resume once they have passed. Policies may differ for other events or when we rent the track to an organization. Regardless, we can’t control the weather so please be prepared for wet or dry and hot or cold conditions when you participate here!
What happens when an event gets postponed or canceled?For all in-house road course events including Track Attack, Track Attack ELITE, TrackCross, High-Performance DR Education, and Open Practice Days as well as most if not all rental events here: in the rare case of a driving event postponement for some significant issue, typically everything is simply moved forward. So if you registered for the postponed event you are automatically registered for the rescheduled event as well, and all else is the same. In the very rare case of an outright cancellation for some major problem, typically full entry credits are issued or replacement signups are handled privately. As this can change per event/per group, please inquire directly with the organizers either way.
What is your registration cancellation policy?For all in-house road course events including Track Attack, Track Attack ELITE, TrackCross, High-Performance DR Education, and Open Practice Days: the policy you agree to when you register is “All sales final – no cancellation, refund, or credit. Entry is transferrable to another person for this event only. RAIN OR SHINE.” We are sorry but there are no exceptions to this policy so please don’t ask. Think of your registration like concert tickets or sporting event passes – they get you a seat at a specific place and time for a potentially sold-out event, and that’s all. If you are having car problems, your best option is to bring a different car. If you find you cannot attend for any other reason, your best option is to sell or give the spot to someone else qualified to participate, then let us know whose name to put on it by 72 hours prior. This policy is financially necessary and part of how we keep our entry fees as low as possible and keep things fair for everyone, thanks for understanding.
WHAT ARE YOUR POLICIES?In the interest of creating the safest and most comfortable environment for fans to enjoy the event experience, Dominion Raceway & Entertainment provides the following policy guidelines: Coolers – Tailgating in designated parking areas is permitted. Fans are not allowed to bring coolers in to the Dominion Raceway event areas at any time. Full food and beverage service is available on-site during all schedule events. Drones – Dominion Raceway & Entertainment strictly prohibits the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (“UAV”), also known as drones, for any purpose whatsoever unless authorized in writing from the Safety Director of Dominion Raceway & Entertainment. A UAV, means any aircraft without a human pilot aboard. Dominion Raceway personnel may remove anyone using an UAV at the Dominion Raceway facility and confiscate the UAV until the conclusion of the event. Backpacks – Fans may carry (1) One lightweight backpack no more than 17-inches in length to carry personal items such as binoculars, scanners, headsets, cameras and purchased souvenirs. Alcohol –Fans are not allowed to bring alcohol into the Dominion Raceway event areas at any time. Alcoholic beverage are available at on-site concessions areas during all schedule events. Drivers and crew may not use alcohol while racing. Alcohol is not allowed in restricted areas during event. “The possession, consumption or sale of illegal drugs or alcohol is expressly forbidden on the grounds of Dominion Raceway. If you are tailgating at an event here you may bring in legal alcohol as well as food for your use but you may not sell it or bring it in the building or pit areas. You agree that you are responsible for distribution of such items including fitness or use and agree to indemnify Dominion Raceway and its affiliates against any claim related there to.” Food and beverage – Tailgating in designated parking areas is permitted. Fans are not allowed to bring food and beverage into the Dominion Raceway event areas at any time. Full food and beverage service is available on-site during all schedule events. Handicapped parking – Available for cars with recognized permits properly displayed on a space available basis. See facility layout for locations. Pets – Bringing of pets to the facility is discouraged. All pets must be leashed and under strict control by their owners at all times. Pet owner must accept full responsibility for any pets brought to the facility. Dominion Raceway reserves the right in its sole discretion to deny access to any pet at any time. No pets shall be brought into any building and/or grandstand areas except for service animals assisting the disabled – no exceptions. Pet owners must clean up after their pets. Weapons/Firearms – No weapons of any type, including firearms, knives, etc. are allowed at Dominion Raceway, regardless of permit. Canopies – Allowed only in approved areas. Fireworks – No fireworks of any kind are permitted. Re-entry after exit – Reentry allowed on a per event basis. Restricted area access – Must have proper credential or armband to access restricted areas, including racetrack, pit area and any marked areas. Tower access – Only those with Tower Access credentials are permitted. Speed limits – Speed limit on Dominion Raceway grounds is 15 mph on all access roads, pit roads, etc. unless otherwise posted. Grandstands – Fans are asked to be considerate of other guests by keeping aisles and walkways passable and sightlines clear. Refunds – On most events, if canceled prior to feature race, keep wristband for later use. Check web site listing for event for specific details. Must use rainout wristband with 30 days of rain out event. Cameras/Photography – Handheld cameras and personal use video cameras are permitted. No commercial reproduction of video footage is allowed without written permission of the raceway and applicable sanctioning body officials. Smoking – No smoking permitted in grandstands, suites, restrooms, terrace, tower or other building areas. Smoking is allowed in open concourse areas that are not posted as non-smoking areas. Disposal of waste fluids – Waste fluids, including engine oil, fuel and other hazardous fluids must be disposed of in marked waste containers. Right of way – Towed race vehicles and trailers have the right of way on all raceway access roads. Children – Children are always welcome at Dominion Raceway. It is the responsibility of the parents to see that the children are safe and cared for. Children 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Fences – No climbing on or hanging of unapproved signs on raceway fences. Photography/Video Rights – Please Note: You agree that while on Dominion Raceway property, we may use your image or likeness in any photography and/or video that we capture while you are visiting our facility, and or those specifically authorized by us to conduct photography at the facility. You agree that your image or likeness may be reproduced by us in any advertising, website, promotional piece or video that we create whether for use at the facility or for use in any advertising, broadcasting or media outlets we choose. You agree that our captured image of you is freely given while at our facility and that you will not attempt to restrict our use of your likeness/image or seek compensation for same. Prohibited Items To ensure that all fans have a safe and enjoyable visit to Dominion Raceway & Entertainment, the following items will not be permitted inside the gates: Glass containers Beach balls and helium balloons Illegal drugs Roller blades, skateboards, and hoverboards Scaffolds or platforms Prohibited items may not be left at the gate area. Any unattended items left in the gate area will be disposed of by Dominion Raceway within 24 hours of the event conclusion. Prohibited Activities Please note that the following activities are not permitted on Dominion raceway grounds: Solicitation for donations Selling or buying tickets Unapproved selling of merchandise or services Unapproved distribution of any item Unapproved entertaining Dominion Raceway & Entertainment is a private facility and admission is permitted only with Dominion Raceway’s consent. General public access is restricted at all times. Dominion Raceway reserves the right to ask any person(s) that cannot honor these policies to please excuse themselves from Dominion Raceway property. Dominion Raceway policies are subject to change without notice.
Oval Track Policy StatementDominion Raceway will fairly implement and evaluate all stated rules for its various oval track divisions to give each competitor and team an equal chance at on-track performance and success. Dominion Raceway will administer all rules as written and update as needed for circumstances not anticipated or that create a consistent and unfair competitive advantage. Dominion Raceway will always strive to improve all of its divisions thru the inclusion of policies, procedures, alternative products and requirements that yield the best racing at the least possible cost for our race teams. Dominion Raceway will always encourage fair play, treat our competitors and teams with respect, enforce rules without bias and implement new ideas for all of our race divisions, teams and competitors to yield the most competitive, enjoyable and rewarding racing at any racing facility in the Country.
Track Rental InfoThe Oval Track is available for private testing. for more information contact Jackie Storm Jackie.Storm@dominionraceway.com
Tires and FuelTIRES The following Competitors are required to purchase tires from Dominion Raceway for all racing events held at the raceway: NASCAR Whelen Late Models (LM) Mini-Modified (MM) UCAR Dominion Stock (DS) Dominion Racer (DR) American Racer Tires will be made available for purchase during the following events: Race Day Open Practice Track Rentals Any time the facility is open. (Please call 703-361-7223) Online at http://featureracingproducts.com/ Sales & Pricing Information on pricing will be posted closer to the race season. **Tires must be purchased from Dominion Raceway for all racing events.** FUEL Dominion Raceway On-Site Fueling Station Dominion Raceway is proud to partner with Sunoco Race Fuel and to offer an onsite fueling station. Sunoco Racing Fuel will be available at our credit card automated, self-service pumps. The self-serve pumps are located next to the North side of the building outside turn one of the oval track. The following Competitors are required to purchase fuel from Dominion Raceway for all racing events held at the raceway: NASCAR Whelen Late Models (LM) 10 GAL Minimum Mini-Modified (MM) 5 GAL Minimum U-Cars 5 GAL Minimum Dominion Stock (SS) 5 GAL Minimum Dominion Racer 5 GAL Minimum The Dominion Raceway Fueling Station offers Sunoco® 260 GTX™ 98 octane (unleaded, non-ethanol), Sunoco® Standard™ 110 octane(leaded, non-ethanol) and Sunoco® 93 octane(unleaded, non-ethanol). Please make sure to call ahead so we can ensure to have enough to meet your needs. **All race fuels contain no ethanol.**
Oval Track Racer Registration Map
Independent Appeals BoardDominion Raceway has established an independent appeals board that will hear any competitor’s rules (Late Model & VA Racer only) violations issued in an official NASCAR Race held at Dominion Raceway where the race resulted in your disqualification. The appeals board will not consider any other competition decisions for instance; probation, award of last place points, or protest after the certified race result. An Appeals Board hearing will only be considered for disqualification. As a team owner filing an Appeals Hearing for a disqualification you will need to do the following: Contact Chris Stefi at 804-640-6332 to schedule the appeal board hearing. The request must be made within 24 hours of the final race certification (typically Tuesday after the race event). Fill out the appeals request form and include a written summary of your reason for the appeal request including your conclusion as to why the track ruling was incorrect. Include with your written Request for Appeal form a check for $200.00 made out to DR Entertainment, LLC. This money will be used to pay for the costs of the independent appeals board hearing. Appear at the time scheduled. You agree that failure to appear will waive your right to any future hearing as well as the return of the appeal’s payment. Be aware that the appeal board may refuse an appeal at any time and for any reason. That all decisions and recommendations of the appeal board are final and un-appealable. Should any appeal not be granted the appeals board fee will be returned. Download the Application below